Don’t miss our Annual Banquet on Thursday, April 19th at 6:00pm at the Peoria Civic Center. Because of scheduling reasons, we have moved our Annual Banquet from the Fall to the Spring, but don’t let that be a reason not to join us! This year we will hear from our Board President, Dr. William Washington. Along with serving on the Great Oaks Board for the past three years, Dr. Washington is Vice President of Student Affairs at Bethel University in Minnesota. He came to know the Lord at Great Oaks Camp in 1982, so he has a special place in his heart for the ministry of Great Oaks.

Also, at the Banquet we will unveil our plans to begin construction on a new building. This is an exciting time at Great Oaks, and we are eager to celebrate God’s recent blessings. Please be sure to join us! You can purchase tickets online on this page or by calling the office at 309-246-4005. Tickets are $40 dollars a person. If you purchase tickets online, please also email us at so that we can be sure to have a table assignment.